Holidays Can Really F**k You Up!

It’s getting towards the end of the year and the combination of the warm, balmy summer air and all our associations to this time of year can bring forth both anxiety, and anticipation of dropping down and letting all the striving for the year go by for a little while.

We may fantasise about respite from it all, tuning out and tuning in …whilst sipping on that chilled, crispy, tangy, glass of oblivion!

All this is real and appropriate and we must do our best to wend and weave our way through, finding good passage through the perils!

If we make it and find ourselves in the garden (cue Van Morrison – ‘In the Garden’ ) where things feel sublimely good for a little while, we need to grasp these moments, take them into ourselves like the ‘hair of the dog’ and fix them to our sites for the New Year, to immunise ourselves against the possible dread of the holidays end!

Because it’s in these moments we can really touch ourselves and what is truly dear to us, and this deserves to be preserved as we emerge into the new light of the next year. 


Innocence … (a poem)


Grieving is Good